• We have 17 years of experience with over 600 projects in various industries
  • Thanks to our experience, our clients have obtained over 1.9 billion PLN from EU funds
  • We are punctual and reliable, which is confirmed by our references



  • The service of preparing a professional project Feasibility Study in accordance with the relevant guidelines (e.g. EU Programmes)
  • Full financial and economic analysis (CBA cost-benefit analysis)
  • Supporting an experienced team in solving problems in investment projects
  • Experience based on the implementation of over 600 projects
  • The capital raised by us (only European funds) exceeds 1.9 billion PLN

For what purpose do we prepare a feasibility study ?

  • Bank loan, including technological loan (call for applications technological loan)

  • Loan, including:

  • Investor >> (Project Management, Investment Management)

  • EU subsidies and KPO funds, including:

  • Funds from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFEPWM) for projects in the field of waste management, including:

    • waste recycling

    • selective collection and prevention of waste 

    • waste management installations >> (read more)

  • Co-financing from the Modernization Fund, including i.a. for projects in the field of cogeneration development based on biogas 

  • Subsidies for energy-intensive industries

  • Co-financing from European programs, including FEnIKS 

  • Internal needs of companies


  • Each feasibility study is priced individually
  • We prepare feasibility studies for various industries
  • We invite you to familiarize yourself with the portfolio and references
  • We create business plans for both large and small companies located both in Poland and abroad
  • We also serve budget units

What is a feasibility study ?

The feasibility study is one of the most important attachments in the process of applying for external financing, including the EU subsidy, it contains key information about the investment as well as the implementing entity, analysis of the considered investment variants and their profitability, etc. Each feasibility study has an extensive financial (and economic) analysis.

We will prepare an investment feasibility study for projects planned by investors in order to support decision-making processes.

The deadline for the feasibility study is not less than two weeks, but it may be extended depending on the complexity of the investment and the Operational Program (if applying for EU funding). When developing a feasibility study for you, we rely on the guidelines of the Managing Authority for a given Operational Program, so you can be sure that it will be prepared in accordance with the requirements for a specific EU competition.

More about financial analyzes in our projects can be found on the subpage dedicated to financial analysis >>.

We also invite you to familiarize yourself with the references of our company.

We also prepare business plans >>.