• We respect your time - We act on time and professionally
  • We have an experienced team with a rich portfolio in various industries
  • We obtained 1.9 billion PLN of EU funds


We prepare documents used to obtain financing for projects in the field of:

  • intermodal transport - (terminals, multimodal infrastructure - intermodal transport)
  • transport infrastructure
  • road infrastructure and broadly understood civil engineering
  • renewable energy (RES), including photovoltaic and wind farms, green hydrogen - environmental investments
  • parks, production and industrial halls
  • cubature facilities, i.e. sports and recreation, cultural and scientific facilities,
  • development projects>>
  • waste processing installations
  • many other.

Our clients have already received almost 2 billion PLN from EU funds

(for which we have obtained financing)

  • "Expansion of production and warehouse hall in Zabrze" - ESTRA Automotive Systems Poland
  • "New route of national road No. 21 in Słupsk"
  • "Construction of the southern bypass of the city of Zielona Góra along the national road"
  • "Construction of a publicly accessible intermodal container terminal with infrastructure in Kąty Wrocławskie"
  • "Construction of a publicly accessible intermodal container terminal with infrastructure in Kąty Wrocławskie (2nd STAGE)"
  • "Reconstruction of the viaduct over the PKP line with access roads at km 55+779 of road No. 94 in Okmiany"
  • "Reconstruction of the communication system along the provincial road No. 655 in the city of Suwałki - stage IV (reconstruction of a fragment of Leśna Street from Krakowska Street to W. Polskiego Street, along with the construction of a section from W. Polskiego Street to Utrata Street)"
  • "Development of sustainable public transport by improving energy efficiency, implementing low-emission technology in Włocławek as part of the BIT - CITY II project - stage II"
  • "Increasing the production of renewable energy by installing photovoltaic panels in the Aquapark in Suwałki"
  • "Improvement of the quality of the public transport system in the city of Suwałki - stage III"
  • “Poznań Metropolitan Railway. Integration nodes - construction of a system of functional transfer points. Construction of an integrated Wargowo interchange and expansion of the Oborniki Miasto interchange
  • "Construction of the Concert Music Education Center with accompanying infrastructure - didactic part" - Complex of State Music Schools for them F. Chopin in Warsaw
  • A number of development projects consisting in the construction of single and multi-family housing estates in various buildings.
  • Construction of the Drzeńsko wind farm
  • "Installation of micro-installations of renewable energy sources in the Communes: Kwidzyn, Sadlinki, Ryjewo, Gardeja"
  • "Establishment of the Laboratory for Synthesis Processes of Modern and Ecological Auxiliaries for various industries"
  • "Expansion of the Regional Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry at ICSO in Kędzierzyn-Koźle"
  • "Construction of the Plastics Research Center at ICSO "Blachownia" in Kędzierzyn-Koźle
  • Research Center for 3D Printing and Composite Materials at the Center for Advanced Technologies of the Adam Mickiewicz University",
  • "WCZT 2.0 - Center for additive technologies and biomedical engineering - STAGE I",
  • "Construction of a production plant with a proprietary line for the production of an innovative composite from polyethylene waste of agricultural and packaging origin", Program "Support for Innovations Conducive to Resource-Efficient and Low-Emission
  • and many others

(for which we have obtained financing)

  • Implementation of the production of an innovative soot-mineral filler as a derivative of tire recycling - Construction of the plant"
  • "Revitalization of the City of Zielona Góra"
  • "Construction of the southern bypass of the city of Zielona Góra along the national road"
  • “Poznań Metropolitan Railway. Integration nodes - construction of a system of functional transfer points. Construction of an integrated Wargowo interchange and expansion of the Oborniki Miasto interchange
  • "Construction of a sanitary sewage system in Smętowo Graniczne - Centrum"
  • "Increasing the tourist and cultural potential of the city through the construction of the Eastern Warta Boulevard in Gorzów Wielkopolski - stage III"
  • "The Cultural Center "Browar B." – adaptation to new social and economic functions of post-industrial facilities in Włocławek, ul. Bechego-Łęgska”
  • "Implementation of the results of R&D works - an innovative prefabricated reinforced concrete transformer station"
  • "Purchase of molds - production stations enabling the production of a series of types of transformer station buildings" - Construction of a production hall and purchase of a machine park
  • "Construction of a hotel wing with conference and SPA facilities and related underground garages"
  • "Technical strengthening of the Police in terms of improving road safety" - Police Headquarters
  • "Expansion of the Academy of Music in Wrocław - construction of a music and teaching room with infrastructure"
  • "Micro- and nano-systems in chemistry and biomedical diagnostics (MNS-DIAG)"
  • "Revitalization of Xawery Dunikowski Boulevard in Wrocław"
  • "Construction of a new building of the General Primary and Secondary Music School im. Karol Szymanowski in Wrocław”
  • "Silesian Internet Library of Historical Collections"
  • "Research on the genetic improvement of energy grasses of the genus Miscanthus as a source of renewable raw material for bioenergy production"
  • Expansion of the Spatial Information System of the Wrocław Poviat (wroSIP)”
  • "Prefabricated reinforced concrete transformer station - innovative production technology"
  • Construction of an installation for the purification of selectively collected fractions of municipal waste at the Municipal Waste Treatment Plant in Suwałki in Zielone Kamedulskie, ul. Raczkowska 150A,
  • "Expansion (modernization) of the Selective Collection of Municipal Waste Collection Point (PSZOK) with additional equipment at the Municipal Waste Treatment Plant in Suwałki in Zielone Kamedulskie, ul. Raczkowska”
  • "Expansion by Nenufar Club of the "Pirate Village" Recreation Park with catering and accommodation infrastructure along with other innovative attractions"
  • "Building inter-operational e-services for public registers of the city of Poznań based on geodetic and cartographic resources"
  • "Spatial Information System for the Gorzów Poviat"
  • "Construction of beach access and "Construction of playgrounds" - Ustronie Morskie