• You don't have the time or the knowledge how to enter the Polish market and develop your business there ? 
  • Are you terrified of procedures related to setting up a business in Poland ? 
  • Are you looking for a company that will help you set up a company, branch or representative office of a foreign company in Poland ?



In Poland, any foreign person may conduct business activity on Polish territory as part of a limited liability company. In the case of conducting business in the form of a capital company, the applicable legal regulations entitle all foreign persons to both establish and participate in a limited liability company. on the same terms as those applicable to Polish citizens.
There are several ways for foreign persons to register a company in Poland without having to visit Poland in person. Examples:
  • establishing a new company in Poland through a power of attorney granted in the form of a notarial deed to a law firm that will be able to represent the client both before the notary public and the registry court; such a procedure takes about 14-30 days.
  • registration of a company in Poland in electronic form via an online system. This method is possible only for people with a Polish electronic signature. In the absence of a Polish electronic signature, the establishment of a company will be possible only by granting a power of attorney to a law firm; The procedure for setting up a company online usually takes 24 hours, usually 2-7 days.
  • purchase of a ready-made company in Poland, which takes place on the basis of a power of attorney granted to a lawyer to represent in Poland.

A branch of a foreign company is one of the possible forms of conducting business activity in Poland. A branch is part of the business activity of a foreign entrepreneur and it is not possible to conduct business activity in its own name and on its own account. As part of a branch, a foreign company conducts its business activity outside its registered office or main place of business, and the subject of this activity may not go beyond the scope of activity conducted by the foreign company in the country of its registered office.

A branch of a foreign company is a separate entity in organizational, personal, economic and technical terms, however, it does not have legal personality, which means that it has no personality and legal capacity. The foreign entrepreneur is responsible for the obligations of the branch. The Branch also has no legal capacity and cannot be a party to court proceedings, with the exception of employee matters. A branch of a foreign company employs on the basis of authorization granted by a foreign company.

A foreign company may start operating in Poland as part of its branch after it has been entered in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register. Together with the application for entry in the register of entrepreneurs, the foreign company must submit to the register files:

  • If it operates on the basis of the founding act, agreement or statute - a copy of these documents,
  • If it operates on the basis of an entry in the register - an extract from this register together with a certified translation into Polish.

A foreign company operating a branch in Poland is obliged to pay CIT and VAT.

Branches based in Poland may be established by foreign entrepreneurs based in all countries belonging to the European Union or the European Economic Area, while other entrepreneurs may operate in Poland, provided that ratified international agreements signed by Poland allow it. Entrepreneurs may establish a branch in Poland on the basis of reciprocity, i.e. the possibility of establishing a branch depends on whether international agreements provide Polish entrepreneurs with similar rights abroad.

The establishment of a branch in Poland creates an obligation for the foreign company to appoint a person authorized to represent it, which may be a natural person, both a Polish citizen and a foreigner.

A foreign company that has established a branch is obliged to:

  • use the original name of the foreign entrepreneur to designate the branch, together with the name of the legal form of the entrepreneur translated into Polish and the words "branch in Poland",
  • keep separate accounts for the branch in Polish in accordance with the accounting regulations,
  • notify the Minister of Development and Technology of any changes in the factual and legal status within 14 days of their occurrence.


A representative office is a legal institution enabling foreign entrepreneurs to conduct activities in the territory of Poland in the field of promotion and advertising of products or services offered by them. A representative office has a much smaller scope of competence than a branch of a foreign company. Running a representative office does not entitle you to run a business in Poland. Thanks to the representative office, a foreign entity can promote itself, e.g. by participating in fairs, conferences and other industry events, but it cannot act as a branch, incur obligations with current or new contractors.
A representative office is a convenient way to attract customers from Poland without the need to set up a company, which is a time-consuming and expensive process.
In the case of establishing a representative office, the principle of reciprocity does not apply, and therefore a representative office can be established by any foreign entrepreneur, regardless of whether the country in which the entity is registered belongs to the European Union or the Free Trade Agreement (EFTA). The condition for opening a representative office in Poland is obtaining an entry in the register of representative offices of foreign entrepreneurs. Permission to open a representative office of a foreign enterprise in Poland is issued by the minister of development and technology as the minister responsible for economy.
In order to obtain an entry in the indicated register, an application must be submitted with attachments and confirmation of payment of the stamp duty. The application for entry is drawn up in Polish and should contain:
  • name, seat and legal form of the foreign company;
  • the subject of the main economic activity of the foreign company;
  • name and surname of the person authorized to represent it in the representative office;
  • address of the seat of the representative office in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
A foreign company wishing to open a representative office in Poland is required to have a legal title to the premises (e.g. a lease agreement), which is its headquarters in Poland. In addition, he is obliged to appoint a person authorized to represent him in Poland.


Familiarize yourself with the benefits of working with us and our comprehensive investment management offer!


- We will save your time for planning and implementation of the investment

- We will organize, supervise and report its course

- We will help you obtain financing

- We will represent your company in financial institutions

- We will help you in the selection of contractors/suppliers

- We will coordinate the processes of their selection and implementation of contracts

- We will manage the budget and financial liquidity of the investment

- We will prepare a schedule for the implementation of the investment and a business plan

- We will build a model that will help you make better decisions

- We will help you implement your company's financial strategy




  • Research and analysis of the market in terms of a convenient location for investments in Poland
  • Researching the demand for products/services on the Polish market and estimating operating revenues
  • Identification of investment implementation options in Poland and selection of optimal solutions according to your company's expectations
  • Identification of key investment risks, i.e. legal, financial or market restrictions
  • Searching for specific properties for a planned investment in Poland according to defined criteria
  • Assistance in preparing documents for the Polish Investment Zone - tax relief


  • Estimation of capital expenditures
  • Estimation of your company's operating costs along with the need for net working capital in a given period
  • Financial forecasts: - Profit and Loss Statement, Cash Flow Statement, Balance Sheet - taking into account previously estimated revenues, costs, net working capital, credit, leasing or tax liabilities in a given analysis period
  • Profitability analysis of the planned investment - NPV, IRR, ROS, ROE, ROI, other indicators and BEP (Break Even Point)

  • Preparation of documents necessary to apply for financing (business plan, application, feasibility study, other required)
  • Client representation in a financing institution, including a bank
  • Other services


Coordination of processes related to the launch of investments in Poland:

Assistance at all stages of the project, from the selection of design companies to the selection of suppliers and contractors for construction works, equipment, IT solutions, etc. until the project is launched

Exemplary range of services:
  • Establishment of a company in Poland
  • Opening a bank account in Poland
  • Finding a convenient investment location (rental, purchase, purchase for construction)
  • Guiding your company through the construction process of buildings, production halls, warehouses related to the project (including selecting contractors and coordinating and reporting the progress of work)
  • Organizing and coordinating the process of buying and renting real estate
  • Searching for solution providers according to your company's expectations
  • Assistance in obtaining the necessary permits at the construction stage
  • Constant control over the efficient and timely implementation of the project
  • Constant reporting of the progress of the investment implementation process


  • Planning investments in such a way as to maintain an optimal level of cash at all times
  • Assistance in obtaining financing from a bank or other sources
  • Supervising the timely progress of the investment and spending the funds as planned
  • Building a financial model that will help you make optimal decisions
  • Preparation of frequent reports on the expenditure of the investment budget
  • Representing your company in financial institutions


  • Help in choosing the right suppliers according to your company's expectations, taking into account the specified budget
  • Purchasing support
  • Help in creating an employee team
  • We offer other services to support the project



  • Organizing the Finance Department for you or supporting it and supervising it as an external entity
  • Assessment whether the company's budget is spent optimally and according to plan
  • Checking which areas of the company generate high costs and whether it is justified
  • Indication of problem areas
  • Indication of how to optimally manage the company's liquidity
  • Optimizing the method of managing the company's net working capital
  • Preparation of independent reports and financial analyzes to answer the questions of whether the company is heading in the right direction, what is its condition and what needs to be modified
  • Preparation of comprehensive application documentation for EU applications or other financial institutions in order to obtain funding
  • Representing your company in financial institutions



  • Investors intending to carry out an investment in Poland
  • Companies from the SME sector that intend to implement investments, but do not have time to deal with it
  • Companies from the SME sector, including foreign entities, that need external support in financial management and control of spending funds and assessment of sales profitability


We are a trustworthy consulting company that has been dealing with the subject of investments and related financial aspects since 2007. We provide professional services supporting companies and other entities at every stage of their development.

Thanks to our experience, we are able to effectively plan and carry out the investment and monitor its effects in the long term, including in financial terms.

Many years of experience in projects from various industries translates into huge amounts of knowledge that we are able to pass on as part of the project planned by your company.

We are punctual and reliable, which is confirmed by our references and a long list of served clients.

We have completed over 600 investment projects in various industries and business models, taking into account financial and economic aspects. The variety of projects we have completed allows us to professionally support your company as well.

Our goal is to professionally support entities intending to implement investments in Poland. Thanks to the acquired knowledge and 17 years of experience of our team, we are able to quickly and efficiently carry out the entire investment process, from planning, to searching for suitable properties, through the process of construction or purchase of real estate, and quickly and efficiently select contractors (including construction) and optimal suppliers solutions.

We offer extensive support for management boards of companies in financial matters.

So far, we have completed over 600 projects and obtained over 1.9 billion PLN from the EU


How can we help ?

We offer you a comprehensive service related to the acquisition and settlement of funds from European funds, including:
  • A realistic assessment of the possibility of obtaining subsidies from the European Union funds
  • Advice on choosing the right program and other sources of funding
  • Preparation of full competition documentation including an application for co-financing, a business plan or an investment feasibility study
  • Substantive control when completing the competition documentation (including documents related to environmental protection, building permits, etc.)
  • Assistance in completing other required documents, i.e. opinion on innovation, research agenda, incentive effect, etc.
  • Assistance in obtaining external sources of financing (including the preparation of loan applications and business plans for the needs of lending/leasing institutions)
  • Representation of the client before Intermediary Bodies at the stage of preparation of competition documentation, evaluation of documentation (including participation in the panel of experts), preparation of documents for the co-financing agreement, as well as the stage of project settlement
  • Settlement of the subsidy received in accordance with its objectives
  • Assistance in submitting a payment application (for an advance payment, intermediate and final payment)
  • Assistance in the preparation of reporting applications
  • Assistance in preparing documents for project control

Nie zostawaj z tyłu, Wybierz doświadczony zespół BIZNES-ANIMATOR
  • Over 600 completed projects
  • 1.9 billion PLN funds raised
  • 17 years on the market
  • A rich portfolio of projects
  • Nice and professional service
  • Punctuality